Watch the Beresford Watchdogs
all season long!
The Beresford School District will be using NFHS Network to broadcast all games played in the Beresford High School Main Gymnasium this school year. In the past The Cube was used as a host site to webcast such games. However, The Cube is no longer in existence as of May, 2018. Schools in the area and across the state have had to find another means of webcasting their games, and Beresford and several other area schools have chosen to go with the NFHS Network. In addition to games, which can be viewed with a subscription, other events that take place in the gym can be viewed for free such as the Grand March, Graduation, and Concerts.
Get unlimited access to watch all
your Watchdog home events this year on the NFHS Network. We’ve invested in new technology that will
bring you every game from the Beresford High School Gym LIVE online so that
fans of
the Watchdogs will never miss a game!
Subscribe at the following Link:
Subscribe for unlimited access by visiting and search for “Beresford.” Subscriptions start at just $9.95 a month
Please contact Beresford Activities Director Geoffrey Gross with questions. His email address is: