
Following our the Homecoming festivities for Monday through Saturday, September 23-28:

On Monday, the Junior/Senior Girls Powder Puff football game will take place at 2:30 at the football stadium.

Also on Monday evening, our Coronation program will take place at 7:00 in the BHS gym, followed by the burning of the “V.”

On Tuesday, the Junior/Senior Ironman Volleyball will take place at 2:30 in the BHS Gym.

Also on Tuesday at 5:00, the Watchdog Volleyball teams will host Elk Point-Jefferson.

On Wednesday at 2:40, there will be a Community Pep Fest in the BHS Gym.

On Thursday at 4:00, the Boys’ Golf team will host Elk Point-Jefferson.

Also on Thursday at 4:15, the Watchdog XC teams will travel to Elk Point to compete in the Union County Quad for the Battle of the Old Canteen.

On Friday morning, we will host the Third Annual Watchdog Marching Band Festival at 9:45 featuring 24 middle school and high school marching bands, along with the Northern State University Marching Band.  NSU will perform their field show at the stadium at 12:45.  We would ask that all vehicles along the parade route to please be removed from the streets.

At 2:00, we will host our traditional Homecoming Parade.  All parade entries should report to the high school parking lot area by 1:30. 

Middle School and High School students will be dismissed from school at 1:10.  Elementary School students will be dismissed after the parade.  There will be NO bus service after the parade on Friday. 

From 5:00-7:00, the Watchdog Education Foundation will host their Homecoming/Community Pork Loin BBQ Tailgate at the stadium picnic shelter.  This is a free-will donation event.

At 7:00, the Watchdog Football Team will take on Elk Point-Jefferson.

On Saturday, the Third Annual Watchdog Hall of Fame Banquet and Induction Ceremony will be held at the Beresford Elementary Gym.  The catered dinner will be at 6:00.  The program and induction ceremony at 7:00 is free and open to the public.

The BHS Homecoming Dance will be held on Saturday evening at 9:30.