Why do you need to renovate the MPR? Why do you need to renovate the multi-purpose room? We will need additional restrooms by adding gymnasium space to our existing infrastructure. Based on the building’s projected footprint and cost-effectiveness, remodeling the multipurpose room allows us to create an activity entrance area with updated and fully ADA-compliant restrooms and an updated concessions stand. More so, we would be able to use the activity entrance, restrooms, and concession stand area for events in the new gym space and our existing gym space. Students would be able to dine in the renovated area during the school day. We would use our existing kitchen and lobby area to provide lunch service (e.g., dining would also happen in the renovated multipurpose room and lobby area). More so, we could utilize the renovated multipurpose room space for class meetings and other events that would allow an audience of 150-175 students. We mainly use the multi-purpose room for physical education courses, dining, practices (district and community), and sub-varsity competitions. During the day, we relocate high school or middle school physical education courses for dining setup and cleanup.
Why do you need to rennovate the Multi-Purpose Room?
March 2, 2024