The Beresford School District will join districts across the state thanking school board members for their leadership and service to our local school district and community during South Dakota School Board Recognition Week, February 17-21, 2020. South Dakota School Board Recognition Week is the time to recognize the women and men who dedicate their time and energy to serving on locally elected school boards.
“South Dakota’s children benefit every day by the work of our school board members. These locally-elected women and men devote their time and energy to support district staff and meet the needs of our students,” said Beresford Superintendent Brian Field. “This week gives us a chance to recognize their efforts and honor their commitment and contributions to our children, schools, and community.”
School boards help set the direction for their public schools and work to improve student achievement. The members who serve on the Beresford School Board are responsible for setting the mission, vision, and goals for the district. They work to provide quality education for 715 JK-12 students and allocate an annual budget of just over $7 million. The school board also hires quality educators, adopts policies and evaluates progress while always keeping the best interests of our students in mind.
“As elected school leaders, board members represent the public as they work to improve student achievement and help make our schools a safe place where all children can learn,” said Field. “They play an important role in our representative government that guarantees local control of our schools.” Their commitment to service and public education affects the present and future lives of our children and our communities.
The Beresford School District invites
students, staff and community members to take part in honoring and thanking its
school board members. The women and men
serving our Beresford School District and their years of service are:
Deb Bergland (15 years), President;
Chris Savey (7 years), Vice-President;
Dan Erickson (7 years);
Russell Johnson (6 years); and
Ashley Sharpe (2 years).
The Beresford School Board normally meets on the second Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the south campus library. The public is always welcome to attend the school board meetings.