
Article by Ann Tornberg

Eight Beresford students competed at the Lincoln Silver Bowl Speech & Debate Tournament on January 17 and 18, 2025, and came home with a Second Place Sweepstakes Team Award.  Individual event winners who advanced to the finals included the following: Sophia Coe and Isabelle Beeson, 4th Place in Duet Acting; 8th grader Raiden Hanner and 6th grader Anna Andrews, both advanced to finals in Novice Informative Speaking with Raiden placed second in the final round, and Anna won first in the event.


Pictured back row: left to right: Senior Max Josko; Sophomore Isabella Russo; Freshman Henry Huether; and Sophomores Izzy Beeson and Sophia Coe.

Front Row: Coach Ann Tornberg, Raiden Hanner (Grade 8), Anna Andrews (Grade 6), and Juliet Josko (Freshman).