Based on Governor Noem’s decision on Tuesday, March 24, our District will remain closed through Friday, May 1. We ask our students, staff, families, and community to practice social distancing. Health professionals believe we will be at greatest risk of the virus spreading in the coming weeks.
Our District will continue to offer alternative education options and e-learning opportunities to our students in grades JK-12. Our teachers are using a variety of teaching methods for student learning and they will continue to interact with their students. If your family does not have internet access, please contact your child’s principal. Our District is in the process of creating an e-learning dashboard at the top of our webpage. The dashboard will provide links to all of our teachers, their email addresses, office hours and eventually content and lessons.
Beginning Monday, March 30 and throughout our school closure, our District will offer free breakfast and free lunches to all students in grades JK-12. On Mondays, students will receive three (3) breakfasts and three (3) lunches. On Thursdays, students will receive two (2) breakfasts and two (2) lunches. The meals will be distributed from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays outside at the northwest corner of the multi-purpose room at the south campus (301 W. Maple St.). Parents or students may pick up the meals while maintaining social distancing.
We would ask our parents to please teach and reinforce everyday preventive actions and steps to protect your children from getting sick. If you see any sign of illness consistent with symptoms of COVID-19, particularly fever, cough, or shortness of breath, call your healthcare provider and keep your child at home and away from others as much as possible.
On behalf of our District, we would like to thank our parents for their support and focus on helping their children with continuous learning opportunities at home. Please stay in touch with your child’s teacher and school and be sure to communicate both the positives and challenges. As you assist your child and help structure the day for learning, please be sure to build in free time, healthy meals and snacks, and physical activity. Please help to reinforce expectations for your child and talk to them about how they are adjusting to being at home versus at school.
Please stay safe and healthy. Thank you.