· Before arriving, graduates should complete the self-screening process on page three. If anyone answers yes to any of the screening questions, he/she should NOT attend our graduation ceremony.
· Graduates should be fully dressed in their cap, gown, stole, tassel, and honor chords/medallions by 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 25. Graduates should park their vehicles in the staff parking lot. We will provide instructions, pin boutonnieres and corsages, and take group pictures with backdrops in the staff parking lot area. No family members will be allowed in the staff parking lot area.
· A school photographer will be on hand to take group pictures of our graduates. Those photos will be available electronically at no cost to our graduates, parents, and family members.
· Masks are encouraged to be worn but will not be required.
· At 2:00 p.m., students will enter the track from the east gate and walk to their chairs located on the track in front of the stadium.
· During the ceremony, students will sit in chairs 6 feet apart on the track.
· Each student will walk across the stage, receive his/her diploma, and pause for a picture with the school board president.
· A school photographer will take pictures as each graduate receives his/her diploma. Those photos will be made available electronically at no cost to our graduates, parents, and family members. No family members will be allowed on the field or track for pictures.
· After the ceremony, graduates should pick up their gift bag from the picnic shelter. This bag will contain any items from the public (cards or gifts) or items left at school.
ask that graduates leave campus after the ceremony and avoid meeting in groups
in the parking lot.
Family Members, and Guests
· Before arriving, parents, family members, and guests should self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms. If anyone answers yes to any of the screening questions, he or she should NOT attend our graduation ceremony.
· The gates will open for the ceremony at 1:00 p.m. We want to avoid a large congestion of families outside the gate waiting to get in. We ask that you stay in your vehicles until the gates are open.
· Parents, family members, and guests are allowed to sit in the stadium bleachers, on the aluminum bleachers south of the stadium, and aluminum picnic tables in the courtyard.
· No family members will be allowed in the staff parking lot area prior to the ceremony.
· No family members will be allowed on the field or track before or during the ceremony.
· A school photographer will take pictures as each graduate receives his/her diploma. Those photos will be made available electronically at no cost to our graduates, parents, and family members. No family members will be allowed on the field or track for pictures.
· Masks are encouraged to be worn but will not be required.
· We ask that family units sit together in the stadium but work to sit a minimum of 6 feet apart from other family groups.
· The restrooms near the stadium will be open for public use.
· After the ceremony, the District will be distributing prepackaged ice cream treats and popsicles to all in attendance at the picnic shelter.
to our graduates, we ask that families do not linger in the parking lot to
avoid prolonged exposure with other families and guests.
We would ask our graduates, parents,
family members, and guests to self-screen prior to attending the BHS Class of
2020 Outdoor Commencement Ceremony.
____Yes ____No Have you had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
____Yes ____No Do you have a new or worsening shortness of breath?
____Yes ____No Do you have a new or worsening cough?
____Yes ____No Do you have a fever of 100.4 or greater?
____Yes ____No Do you have chills?
____Yes ____No Do you have diarrhea?
____Yes ____No Do you have unexplained muscle pain?
____Yes ____No Do you have a headache (unrelated to a known health condition, i.e. migraines)?
____Yes ____No Do you have a sore throat?
____Yes ____No Do you have a new loss of taste or smell?
If YES to ANY of these questions, STOP! Please do not attend our graduation ceremony. Contact your healthcare provider. You may also contact the SD Department of Health with any COVID-19 questions at 1-800-997-2880.
If you are able to answer NO to ALL questions, GO! Please attend our graduation ceremony.