Special School Board Meeting

Beresford School Board Meeting—Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Beresford School Board Decision on Close Contact Quarantine Practices
Effective October 1, 2020 

  Notification of a Positive COVID-19 Case
1. When staff, parents, and/or the SD DOH notify the school of a positive COVID-19 case, designated district personnel will conduct the close contact tracing. 
2. The district will use social distancing, use of facial coverings/masks, and duration of close contact time, in determining whether an individual is considered a potential close contact. 
Close Contacts in School
3. Students and/or staff members will not be identified as a close contact if they were able to socially distance (6 feet away and/or less than 15 minutes) and/or properly wore a facial covering/mask during the time of close contact in school, on the school bus, or at school activities (participant/spectator), and will not be subject to quarantine.
4. Students and/or staff members will be identified as a close contact if they were not able to socially distance and/or did not wear or improperly wore a facial covering/mask during the time of close contact in school, on the school bus, or at school activities (participant/spectator), and will be subject to the 14-day quarantine.
a. Parents who would like their child to return to school earlier than the 14-day quarantine—after 3 days in quarantine, their child must have shown no COVID19 symptoms (remain asymptomatic) to return to school, continue to monitor for symptoms, and will be required to properly wear a facial covering/mask in school, on the school bus, and at school activities (participant/spectator), until the full quarantine has expired.
b. Staff members who would like to return to school earlier than the 14-day quarantine—after 3 days in quarantine, they must have shown no COVID-19 symptoms (remain asymptomatic) to return to school, continue to monitor for symptoms, and will be required to properly wear a facial covering/mask in school, on the school bus, and at school activities (participant/spectator), until the full quarantine has expired.
c. Students and/or staff members who elect not to wear a facial covering/mask in school, on the school bus, and at school activities (participant/spectator) after 3
days in quarantine, will be required to stay home from school for the duration of the 14-day quarantine.
Close Contacts Outside of School
5. Contact tracing for cases outside of school will continue to be handled by the SD DOH.  Students and/or staff members determined to be close contacts outside of school will be subject to the 14-day quarantine.  
a. Parents who would like their child to return to school earlier than the 14-day quarantine—after 3 days in quarantine, their child must have shown no COVID19 symptoms (remain asymptomatic) to return to school, continue to monitor for symptoms, and will be required to properly wear a facial covering/mask in school, on the school bus, and at school activities (participant/spectator), until the full quarantine has expired.
b. Staff members who would like to return to school earlier than the 14-day quarantine—after 3 days in quarantine, they must have shown no COVID-19 symptoms (remain asymptomatic) to return to school, continue to monitor for symptoms, and will be required to properly wear a facial covering/mask in school, on the school bus, and at school activities (participant/spectator), until the full quarantine has expired.
c. Students and/or staff members who elect not to wear a facial covering/mask in school, on the school bus, and at school activities (participant/spectator) after 3 days in quarantine, will be required to stay home from school for the duration of the 14-day quarantine.
Close Contacts in Household
6. Students and/or staff members identified as a close contact to a known positive COVID19 case in their own household will be required to stay home from school for the duration of the 14-day quarantine.  
SD DOH Investigation
7. After designated district personnel have completed their investigative measures for contact tracing, a list of students and/or staff members identified as close contacts will be submitted to the SD DOH.  Close contacts will be notified by district personnel and they will be asked to quarantine.  
8. The SD DOH investigator then determines who is a verified (confirmed) close contact and recommends who should be quarantined.