Return to Learning Plan Updated


Beresford School Board Approves Updates to the District’s Return to Learning Plan

At their December 14, 2020 meeting, the Beresford School Board approved updates to its Return to Learning Plan.  Please click on the following link to access our District’s updated and Board approved Return to Learning Plan:

Based on new close contact quarantine guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the South Dakota Department of Health (SD DOH), our Board revised and approved our District’s Close Contact Quarantine Practices that are included in our Return to Learning Plan on the following pages.

SD DOH—School K-12 COVID-19 Case Investigation Overview                             5

SD DOH—Comparing the New 7 and 10 Day Quarantine Guidelines                 7

Beresford School District Updated Close Contact Quarantine Practices    8-10

The SDHSAA Board of Directors adopted the Winter Sports and Fine Arts Activities recommendations in November 2020.  As a result, our Board needed to update its 20-21 Return to Learning Plan “Activities” section, including several forms, and approve the addition of the winter recommendations to the Plan.  The “Activities” changes and additions to our Plan are included on the following pages.

SDHSAA COVID-19 Participant/Coach Monitoring Form             24

SDHSAA COVID-19 Return to Play Form                                                       25

SDHSAA Guiding Principles                                                                                     34-38

SDHSAA Winter 20-21 Rule Modifications                                                  39-49

SDHSAA Fine Arts Winter Events                                                                        50

Please let us know if you have any questions.  Thank you.

Brian Field, Superintendent

Beresford School District