Beresford School District Students, Parents, Staff, and Patrons:
This past weekend, our Middle School/High School saw an additional eight positive COVID-19 cases, bringing our District’s total positive COVID-19 cases to fifteen with all but one at the MS/HS.
Most of our students who were placed in isolation for testing positive for COVID-19 will be able to return to school sometime next week or the week after. All of our students who were identified close contacts will be able to return to school next week.
Since Monday of this week, we have had two new cases reported at our MS/HS. This week’s “cooling off” period at our MS/HS has helped to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus among our grades 6-12 students and staff.
Therefore based on this data, on Monday, February 8, students in grades 6-12 will resume in-person learning at the MS/HS. The MS/HS will resume all activity practices and competitions as well.
The last
thing we want as a District is to be in this situation again, where we have to
go to remote learning and no activities.
I would ask our students, staff, parents, and patrons to wear a facial
covering, practice social distancing, practice good hygiene, and monitor for
COVID-19 symptoms so that we can maintain in-person learning and activities for
all of our students now and into the future.
Thank you.
Brian Field, Superintendent
Beresford School District