Congratulations to our Beresford FFA chapter on their outstanding showing at the District 3 contest!
Extemporaneous Speaking: 1st place Sara Sveeggen, 4th place Cassandra Twedt

Prepared Public Speaking: Allie Westra (1st Place) & Laney Andrews

Allie Westra: 4th place Creed Speaker
Ag Issues Team: Received 2nd at Districts: Pictured (left to right) Blake Jensen, Tate Johnson, Chloe Hazel, Macy Quartier, Jayden Carlson, Kayla Jensen, and Lacey Mockler

Ag Broadcasting: 3rd place Jackson Hofer
District Officers - from the Beresford FFA Chapter, Cassandra Twedt as the District 3 Reporter
Senior Parliamentary Procedure: 3rd place (Chapter Represented by Robert Watkins)
Conduct of Chapter Meetings - 3rd place (Chapter Represented by Grace Norling)

Allie Westra, Jackson Hofer, Sarah Sveeggen, and the Ag Issues Team will compete at the STATE Leadership Development Contents in Pierre, South Dakota, on December 5th and 6th, 2021.
Ag Sales Team: Sylar Carlson, Alex Quartier, Joseph Anderson, Dylan Stenen
Conduct of Chapter Meeting Laney Andrews, Kylie Mockler, Hannah Colford, Grace Norling, Kaleigh Novaha, Cole Johnson, Ethan Hauck, 3rd place at Districts