Screening America will be conducting a Young Hearts Screening on Thursday, October 11th at Beresford High School in its athletic training room.
Thousands of young people needlessly die each year from Sudden Cardiac Death. This potentially life-saving screening is $89, and is open to anyone between the ages of 12-34, not just athletes. If you have more than one child you would like screened, the second screening is $44.50. The screening will include an EKG, a limited echocardiogram, a health history, blood pressure check, evaluation for Marfan syndrome, and review by a local board certified cardiologist.
The screening only takes 25 minutes and is easy and painless.
Screenings are by appointment only. To schedule an appointment for your son or daughter, please call Activities Director Geoff Gross at 763-2145. The three required forms needed for the October 11th screening are posted on our school district website.
Again, to schedule an appointment, please call Activities Director Geoff Gross at 763-2145. Please click on the following link to access the three required forms.