Congratulations to the 15 Middle School Oral Interp Students who attended the Watertown Middle School Interp Tournament on Sat. April 9th. All 15 who attended are 6th-grade students.
Receiving an Excellent Rating:
Bella Stewart in Humor
Receiving and Excellent Plus Rating:
Tali Strom, Henry Huether, Lexi Sommervold and Juliet Josko in Humor
Dakota Reis and Chyanne Haafke in Duet Acting
Receiving Superior Rating:
Max Kinney and Bellamy Westra in Humor
Tori Sharpe in Poetry
Tori Sharpe and Bellamy Westra; Tali Strom and Brynn Voss, and Kennedy
Merrigan and Allie VanKekerix in Duet Acting.
And Superior Plus: (The highest rating at the tournament -only achieved by scoring first place in each of three rounds).
Lillie Boden and Bella Steward in Duet Acting
Ariana Moulton in Humor
and Lillie Boden in Poetry