The Beresford School District in conjunction with the Beresford VFW and Beresford American Legion will host a special day of recognition and program to honor our veterans. The Veterans Day Program will be held on Monday, November 12, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. in the Beresford High School Gym.
Veterans Day Program
Beresford High School Gym
Monday, November 12, 2018 @ 2:30 p.m.
“Honor Program for Veterans”
This special day of recognition is sponsored by the Beresford VFW,
Beresford American Legion, and the Beresford School District.
- Master of Ceremonies—Captain Cregg Getman, Beresford VFW Commander & Mr. Ernie Wevik, Beresford American Legion Commander.
- Presentation of Colors.
- National Anthem—BHS Chorus, Miss Emily Ayres & Mrs. Dawn Coggins.
- Opening Prayer—Doyle Barnes.
- “Let Freedom Ring!” by Ruth Morris Gray—BHS Chorus, Miss Emily Ayres & Mrs. Dawn Coggins.
- “Salute To Freedom”—Arranged by Andy Clark and “This Is My Country”— Arranged by Larry Norred—BHS Band, Mr. Brian LeMaster.
- Speaker—Susan Irons, Union-Lincoln County Veterans Officer.
- Armed Forces Medley—3rd Grade Chorus, Mrs. Rebecca Sanderson.
- “God Bless America”—Audience Participation, Miss Emily Ayres & Mrs. Dawn Coggins.
- Taps—BHS Students, Jackson Heiberger and Chirawat Yoo yuen yong.
- Retire Colors.
- Coffee and Cookies—BHS Gym—provided by Beresford American Legion/VFW Auxiliary.