Veterans Day Program on November 12 at 2:30 p.m.

The Beresford School District in conjunction with the Beresford VFW and Beresford American Legion will host a special day of recognition and program to honor our veterans.  The Veterans Day Program will be held on Monday, November 12, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. in the Beresford High School Gym.  

Veterans Day Program

Beresford High School Gym

Monday, November 12, 2018 @ 2:30 p.m.


“Honor Program for Veterans”

This special day of recognition is sponsored by the Beresford VFW,

Beresford American Legion, and the Beresford School District.

  1. Master of Ceremonies—Captain Cregg Getman, Beresford VFW Commander &   Mr. Ernie Wevik, Beresford American Legion Commander.

  1. Presentation of Colors.

  1. National Anthem—BHS Chorus, Miss Emily Ayres & Mrs. Dawn Coggins.

  1. Opening Prayer—Doyle Barnes.

  1. “Let Freedom Ring!” by Ruth Morris Gray—BHS Chorus, Miss Emily Ayres & Mrs. Dawn Coggins. 

  1. “Salute To Freedom”—Arranged by Andy Clark and “This Is My Country”— Arranged by Larry Norred—BHS Band, Mr. Brian LeMaster.

  1. Speaker—Susan Irons, Union-Lincoln County Veterans Officer.

  1. Armed Forces Medley—3rd Grade Chorus, Mrs. Rebecca Sanderson.

  1. “God Bless America”—Audience Participation, Miss Emily Ayres & Mrs. Dawn Coggins.

  1. Taps—BHS Students, Jackson Heiberger and Chirawat Yoo yuen yong. 

  1. Retire Colors.

  1. Coffee and Cookies—BHS Gym—provided by Beresford American Legion/VFW Auxiliary.