Interested in seeing the Watchdog Marching Festival parade map? If so, check out the image with this message! The parade starts at 10:00 AM, in downtown Beresford. By 12:40 PM, be at the stadium to watch our guest band (OG) perform.
over 3 years ago, Dustin Degen
WMF Parade Map
The 4th Watchdog Marching Band Festival will take place Friday (9-24-2021), starting at 10:00 AM, in downtown Beresford. There will be 17 bands at this year's festival (including our BMS & BHS Marching Bands). By 12:40 PM, be at the stadium to watch our guest band (OG) perform.
over 3 years ago, Dustin Degen
The 4th Watchdog Marching Band Festival will take place Friday (9-24-2021), starting at 10:00 AM, in downtown Beresford. There will be 17 bands at this year's festival (including our BMS & BHS Marching Bands). At 12:40 PM, head to the stadium to watch our guest band (OG) perform.
over 3 years ago, Dustin Degen
WMF Prep
The Watchdog Foundation will host a Homecoming/Community Pork Loin BBQ tailgate before BHS's football game on Friday (9-17) from 5:00-7:00 p.m. The BBQ is open to the public and will be a free-will donation event with all proceeds being donated to the Watchdog Foundation.
over 3 years ago, Dustin Degen
9-17-2021 Events: Community PEP Fest/Rally @ 10:30 am (BMS/BHS gym), BMS dismissed @ 12:00 pm, BHS dismissed after the PEP Fest, and BES dismissed after the parade. Lunch served. There will be NO BUS SERVICE on Friday. Parade @ 1:00 pm, Pork Loin BBQ 5:00-7:00 pm, FB @ 7:00 pm
over 3 years ago, Dustin Degen
Congratulations to Queen Anna Atwood & King Chase Lyle! Congratulations to all of our members of the Royal Court: Isabel DeLay, Lucy Farley, Brynn Nelson, Sarah Sveeggen, Isaac Ward, Ashton Tjaden, Isaiah Richards, and Max Orr!
over 3 years ago, Dustin Degen
King & Queen
2021-2022 Royal Court
Follow the yellow brick road to HoCo Coronation tonight at 7:00 pm in the main gym. The stage is set, the programs are printed and if you have any courage/brains/heart you will show up and enjoy the show! NFHS link if you want to watch from home.
over 3 years ago, Jared Olson
JV Football scheduled for today (Monday, September 13, 2021) @ Parker has been cancelled due to the projected weather.
over 3 years ago, Jared Olson
The Watchdog Foundation will host a Homecoming/Community Pork Loin BBQ tailgate before BHS's football game on Friday (9-17) from 5:00-7:00 p.m. The BBQ is open to the public and will be a free-will donation event with all proceeds being donated to the Watchdog Foundation.
over 3 years ago, Dustin Degen
Help us name the new Watchdog! Vote by clicking the link: REMINDER: Tonight (9-13-2021) -Coronation @ 7:00 p.m. (BMS/BHS Gym) & Burning of the "V" to follow
over 3 years ago, Dustin Degen
Roger v. Bruiser
Vote Today
Royal Court
Help name the new Watchdog Mascot! Cast your final vote by selecting the link. Cast your vote @ Interested in the Watchdog Foundation Newsletter? If so, sign up at
over 3 years ago, Jared Olson
vote final
final rd
Join us at 7:00 p.m. in the BHS gym on Monday night to enjoy our HoCo Coronation program/variety show. During the show, we will crown our king and queen. The burning of the "V" will follow the program at the BMS/BHS staff parking lot. Go Watchdogs!
over 3 years ago, Dustin Degen
Final Notice: Do you need your Hall of Fame banquet meal ticket(s) for 9-18-2021? If so, contact (605-763-4293). We will send our final numbers to the caterer on Friday, September 10, 2021. Meal ticket orders are due 9-8-2021 @ 4:00 p.m.
over 3 years ago, Dustin Degen
Help name the new Watchdog Mascot! Cast your initial vote by selecting the link. Cast your vote @ Interested in the Watchdog Foundation Newsletter? If so, sign up at
over 3 years ago, Dustin Degen
Name the Watchdog
WF Newsletter
We are experiencing supply chain disruptions related to food products used in our school kitchens. Be flexible as menus may need to change with little or no notice. We will do our best with the resources we can procure to provide nutritious meals the kids enjoy to eat.
over 3 years ago, Jared Olson
Congratulations to our 2021 Royal Court Members! Queen Candidates: Anna Atwood, Isabel DeLay, Lucy Farley, Brynn Nelson, and Sarah Sveeggen King Candidates: Chase Lyle, Maxwell Orr, Isaiah Richards, Ashton Tjaden, and Isaac Ward
over 3 years ago, Dustin Degen
Check out our Hall of Fame Press Release! If you need banquet tickets, please contact (763-4293). Link:
over 3 years ago, Dustin Degen
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Congratulations to the 1980 State Champion FB Team who will be inducted into the Watchdog Hall of Fame this fall! They had a 9-0 record and both the Coaches and Sportswriters Polls selected the Watchdogs as the 11B State Champion! Read the full biography:
over 3 years ago, Dustin Degen
Congratulations to the 1979 State Champion FB Team who will be inducted into the Watchdog Hall of Fame this fall! They had an 8-1 record and both the Coaches and Sportswriters Polls selected the Watchdogs as the 11B State Champion! Read the full biography:
over 3 years ago, Dustin Degen
@beresfordFB HS and JH teams traveled to Viborg and enjoyed “12 Mighty Orphans” at Lund Theatre. Thank you to those who made this event possible.
over 3 years ago, Jared Olson