Congratulations to Mrs. Jane Carlson who will be inducted into the Watchdog Hall of Fame in the “Fine Arts” pillar. Mrs. Carlson is a 1972 graduate of BHS (Bio: https://5il.co/s55a). Do you need a banquet ticket (9-18-21 @ 6:00 p.m.)? If so, email Rhonda.Peterson@k12.sd.us.

XC season kickoff at 10:00 am in Beresford. 600 athletes registered to compete today so we brought in the “A Team!”
@AveraSports @SDArmyNG

Looking to watch VB vs. Garretson? Link: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/beresford-high-school-beresford-sd/gamc25121edca
NOTE: There is a subscription charge for NFHS Network this school year. You will need to set up an account if you have not done so in the past.

Do you like working with amazing kids and adults? If so, consider joining our Substitute Teaching roster. For more information, call 605-763-4293 (ask for Jared) or email (Jared.Olson@k12.sd.us). Certified staff substitutes earn $110/day. Classified subs earn $95/day.

Congratulations to Mr. Robert Frieberg who will be inducted into the Watchdog Hall of Fame in the “Distinguished Service” pillar. Bob is a 1953 graduate of BHS (Bio: https://5il.co/s4p0). Do you need a banquet ticket (9-18-21 @ 6:00 p.m.)? If so, email Rhonda.Peterson@k12.sd.us.

Congratulations to Dr. Tom Van Lent who will be inducted into the Watchdog Hall of Fame in the “Academics/Achievement” pillar! Dr. Van Lent is a 1976 graduate of BHS (Bio: https://5il.co/s6eg). Do you need banquet tickets for 9-18-21 @ 6:00 p.m.? Email Rhonda.Peterson@k12.sd.us.

Looking for our volleyball game against Canton? https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/beresford-high-school-beresford-sd/gam85d5d85cdb
There is a subscription charge for NFHS Network this school year. You will need to set up an account if you have not done so in the past.

Congratulations to Dr. Brenda Sternquist who will be inducted into the Watchdog Hall of Fame in the “Academics/Achievement” pillar! Dr. Sternquist is a 1969 graduate of BHS (Bio: https://5il.co/s6ec). Need banquet tickets (9-18-21 @ 6:00 p.m.)? Email Rhonda.Peterson@k12.sd.us.

The Beresford School District will be hosting the following events this week. Within this message, you will find links for web streaming of all volleyball matches and football games. There is a subscription charge for NFHS Network this school year. You will need to set up an account if you have not done so in the past.
Tuesday, Aug. 24 Volleyball v. Canton @ Beresford:
Thursday, Aug. 26 Volleyball v. Garretson @ Beresford:
Friday, Aug. 27 Cross Country @ The Bridges
Saturday, Aug. 28 Football v. Flandreau @ Beresford:
This game will also be broadcast on Classic Hits 106.3FM and broadcast on their Youtube Channel.

Our Hall of Fame Banquet starts at 6:00 p.m. on 9-18-2021. The meal will be catered by Cleavers. Check out the image of our menu. Need tickets? Contact Rhonda.Peterson@k12.sd.us (763-4293). Tickets for the meal cost $30. Program will start at 7:00 p.m. (open to the public).

Two teams will be inducted into the Watchdog Hall of Fame: the 1979 State Champion Football Team and the 1980 State Champion Football Team! Need banquet tickets 9-18-2021 @ 6:00 p.m.? Contact Rhonda.Peterson@k12.sd.us. Ceremony starts @ 7:00 p.m. -Public Welcome!

Hall of Fame Inductees: Academics/Achievement—Dr. Brenda Sternquist and Dr. Tom Van Lent, Fine Arts—Mrs. Jane Carlson, Athletics—Mr. Jim Babb and Mr. Keith Larson, and Distinguished Service—Mr. Robert Frieberg! Need banquet tickets (9-18-2021)? Contact Rhonda.Peterson@k12.sd.us

The Watchdog Hall of Fame Banquet and Induction Ceremony will be held during HoCo weekend at the Bridges at Beresford on Saturday, September 18 at 6:00 p.m. (Dinner) and 7:00 p.m. (Program)! Do you need tickets for the banquet ($30)? If so, contact Rhonda.Peterson@k12.sd.us.

Watchdog BGLF Team Finishes 3rd at DV Invite
Individual Medalists:
Dustin Maas (7th) +12 82
Austin Hamm (9th) +13 83
Derek Maas (15th) +17 87
Great Job Watchdogs!

Beresford Middle School Kick-off Event! Welcome back! Go Watchdogs!

Beresford Elementary -First Day of School Kickoff! Welcome back!
Go Watchdogs!
PS -Mr. Short won at musical chairs

Check it out! Lucy Farley is a South Dakota State HOSA Officer for the 2021-2022 school year! Lucy -Thank you for your leadership! Continue your efforts to represent Watchdog Nation well!

Watchdog Nation,
On Monday, August 9, 2021, the Beresford School Board of Education conducted the second reading and adoption of our Return to Learning Plan/Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan and our American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Requirement for ARP ESSER School District Plan. The Beresford School District did not make any content changes to either plan between our July and August School Board meetings. You can find both adopted plans at https://www.beresford.k12.sd.us/page/arp-esser. In short, we have prepared for "Normal Learning" experiences for the 2021-2022 school year. One plan outlines our operating procedures, and the other speaks to how we intend to spend federal dollars to emerge stronger post-pandemic.
Dr. Degen

We are looking for a part-time food service worker available from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm each day school is in service. Great PT job opportunity. For more details use link below or contact Jared.Olson@k12.sd.us or (605) 763-4293

Are you interested in being a substitute teacher, paraprofessional, or kitchen worker? If so, contact us at 1-605-763-4293 (ask for Jared Olson or email Jared.Olson@k12.sd.us). Substitute Teacher Rate/Day: $110, Paraprofessional Rate/Day: $95, Kitchen Work Rate/Day: $95