Due to the number of positive COVID-19 cases and identified close contacts who are in isolation or quarantine at our MS/HS, we will move to the RED level for academics (Remote Learning) and no activities for our students in grades 6-12, effective Feb. 1-5. https://5il.co/p57v
about 4 years ago, Brian Field
Our District has postponed its MS BBB game with Alcester-Hudson on Monday and its GBB/BBB double-header with Vermillion on Tuesday. No decision has been made yet on Tuesday’s Wrestling Quad. Please continue to socially distance, wear facial coverings, and monitor for symptoms.
about 4 years ago, Brian Field
Our 1st Graders also celebrated their 100th day of school today at Beresford Elementary!
about 4 years ago, Brian Field
1st Graders Celebrate 100th Day of School
Our Kindergarten class enjoyed their 100th day of school at Beresford Elementary today, January 29, 2021!
about 4 years ago, Brian Field
Kindergarten Class, 100th Day of School
Our District has suspended all athletic practices and competitions for the time being in the sports of girls’ basketball, boys’ basketball, and wrestling. We hope this cooling off period will decrease the likelihood of additional COVID-19 spread. https://5il.co/p3ac
about 4 years ago, Brian Field
Due to the number of positive COVID-19 cases and identified close contacts in our middle school and high school, there will be NO SCHOOL for students and staff in grades 6-12 on Friday, January 29.
about 4 years ago, Brian Field
Due to our District’s COVID-19 protocols, our Varsity Girls Basketball team will not be participating in the Big East Conference Tourney on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday this week.
about 4 years ago, Brian Field
Congratulations to our BHS performers who received Superior Acting Awards at today’s Region One Act Play Festival: Isaac Andal, Mykenzie Farley, Eva Schaap, and Trajen Bautista! Our BHS Theater Director is Dr. Tommy Merriman.
about 4 years ago, Brian Field
Superior Acting Awards at Regionals
Congratulations to our BHS One Act Play cast and crew on qualifying for the State One Act Play Festival in Rapid City on February 4-5! They advanced based on their superior performance at today’s Regional Competition at Mt. Marty in Yankton! Way to go!!
about 4 years ago, Brian Field
BHS One Act Play Cast and Crew
Good luck to our BHS One Act Play cast and crew as they compete in the Region Contest at Mt. Marty on Tuesday, Jan. 26 at 9:00 a.m.! Two schools will advance to the State Festival in Rapid City on Feb. 4-5. The Regionals will be live streamed at https://youtu.be/81p8iIFv4SA.
about 4 years ago, Brian Field
NOTE TIME CHANGE: The BHS One Act Play, The 39 Steps will be live streamed on Sat., Jan. 23 at 8:00 p.m. in the Elem. Gym. A ticket voucher is required to attend in person and it is a free-will donation event. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LV3Eo_PyWHE&feature=youtu.be
about 4 years ago, Brian Field
Our District has purchased live streaming rights to the BHS One Act Play, The 39 Steps. It will be performed on Sat., Jan. 23 at 7:00 p.m. in the Elementary Gym. Following is the link to the livestream. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LV3Eo_PyWHE&feature=youtu.be
about 4 years ago, Brian Field
The 22nd Annual Frostbite 4 will be a VIRTUAL RACE in 2021 due to the ongoing pandemic. The Frostbite 4 Race Committee wants to keep everyone safe. Please click on the Frostbite 4 Facebook link for more information and registration. https://fb.me/e/1VKBJxAjP
about 4 years ago, Brian Field
2021 Frostbite 4 Logo
Due to the blizzard warning that is in effect for tonight through tomorrow at 6:00 p.m., there will be NO SCHOOL in the Beresford School District on Friday, January 15. All school activities and practices for Friday have been postponed or cancelled.
about 4 years ago, Brian Field
Due to the high winds that are forecast around 3:00 and the blizzard warning that will be in effect, we will be dismissing school at 2:00 today. There will be no practices or Coach Rozy after school today. Please travel safely.
about 4 years ago, Brian Field
Due to the blizzard warning that is in effect from 6:00 p.m. tonight through 6:00 p.m. tomorrow, the wrestling duals tonight versus SF Lincoln and SF Washington have been postponed. Also, the GBB/BBB double-header at Tri-Valley tomorrow night has been postponed.
about 4 years ago, Brian Field
The Beresford School Board is pleased to announce that they have entered into a verbal agreement with Dr. Dustin Degen to be the District's next superintendent, effective July 1, 2021. Dr. Degen has been the 6-12 principal at Beresford for the past 9 years. https://5il.co/olqp
about 4 years ago, Brian Field
Dr. Dustin Degen
After 34 years in education and having served the Beresford School District for 17 years—3 years as HS principal and 14 years as superintendent, I submitted my letter of retirement to the school board tonight. My last day as superintendent will be June 30. https://5il.co/ogtc
about 4 years ago, Brian Field
This morning, bright and early, our Beresford FCCLA Chapter met to shop for needed groceries and supplies for the Beresford Faith In Action Food Pantry. This is one of their January service projects to help others within our community.
about 4 years ago, Dustin Degen
FCCLA Members R to L: Emme Josko, Max Josko, Abigail Zanter, Mandy Schroeder, Ashleigh Colford, Cortney Schoellerman, and Casandra Schoellerman.
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about 4 years ago, Brian Field