Just a reminder to our students and fans attending the junior high and high school VB matches at Elk Point-Jefferson this evening, you are required to wear a face covering/mask in their facilities. Thanks for being respectful and for adhering to their mask requirement.
Due to the number of our varsity football players in quarantine, there will be no game at Elk Point-Jefferson on Friday, September 25. The game will not be rescheduled. All other school activities this week will take place as scheduled.
Our BHS Wildlife and Fisheries Class enjoyed their morning lab today with Mrs. Bridget Twedt at the beautiful pond by hole numbers six and eight at the Bridges Golf Course. There were some keepers, but all fish caught were released back to the pond!
Free Meals - cont
No paperwork needed for your child to participate in the free meals. All kids are auto enrolled while the money lasts. Extra milks, extra entrees, etc still have a charge but the normal main meal is free.
Following is the link to the revised COVID-19 Symptom Screener that must be utilized by our students/parents and staff each morning before leaving for school. Please review the orange symptoms, the blue exposure section, and chart on the screener.
We are pleased to announce that all JK-12 BSD enrolled students are eligible for FREE breakfasts and lunches until Dec 22, 2020 or until the fed $ runs out. Contact Jared.Olson@k12.sd.us with questions.
Following is the link to our District's COVID-19 Weekly Update for Friday, September 18, 2020. Since the start of the 20-21 school year, our District has had seven students/staff members test positive, five have recovered, and two remain in isolation. https://5il.co/l5uk
The Watchdog MS and HS Volleyball Teams host MCM today. The matches will be live streamed for free.
Each week, our District will publicly report the total number of active positive COVID-19 cases in our District under news on our webpage. Parents whose children are placed in quarantine will receive a phone call and letter from our District. https://5il.co/l17p
The Homecoming Parade at 1:00 this afternoon is still a go! Parade lineup is at 12:30 in front of BHS and in the parking lot. Tonight's FB game will be broadcast free and live at: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/beresford-high-school-beresford-sd/gamd9d5318f54
On Friday at the Homecoming football game, all seniors in Football, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Boys Golf, and Marching Band and their parents will be recognized before or during the game. Our Volleyball seniors will be recognized at their September 17 match vs. MCM.
Congratulations to our 2020 Watchdog Homecoming Royalty, Queen Becca Tiedeman, and King Brady Peterson!
Please click here for the free live feed of the BHS Coronation Program and Community Pep Rally at 7:00 p.m. in the BHS Gym. https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/beresford-high-school-beresford-sd/evt56af260278
Due to the wind and cool temperature, the BHS Coronation Program and Community Pep Rally will be moved inside to the BHS Gym at 7:00 tonight!
Congratulations to Royal Court member Hayden Wilson!
Congratulations to Royal Court member Brady Peterson!
Congratulations to Royal Court member Spencer Nelson!
Congratulations to Royal Court member Joshua "Josh" Limmer!
Congratulations to Royal Court member Isaac Andal!
Congratulations to Royal Court member Rebecca "Becca" Tiedeman!