Beresford City - Ward 2 results
William Roelke = 65
Benjamin Fahlberg = 44
Unmarked Ballots = 2
111 voters / 477 active voters = 23% turnout
School results will be posted shortly.

The School Board Election is on Tuesday, April 13 from 7 am to 7 pm at the City Library. Four candidates are seeking election to the school board—Mary Beth Ellis, Nathan R. Jensen, Jamie Stewart, and Deb Bergland. Registered district voters may vote for up to 2 candidates.

Congratulations to Lucy Farley for being elected HOSA State Officer for Social Media/Historian for the 2021-2022 school year! Lucy’s HOSA advisor is Mrs. Pratt.

Congratulations to our BHS Educators Rising students—Cortney Schoellerman, Haidyn Lounsbery, and Pedro Hernandez Mejia—who won the State Contest in the “Ethical Dilemma” category! They earned the opportunity to compete at Nationals in June! Their advisor is Dr. Terri Buechler.

Congratulations to Emma Andrews (Grade 6) for placing second in the 2021 National History Day South Dakota State Category. Emma’s project was titled, “Ragpickers and Their Contributions to Communications.” Emma’s teacher/advisor was Ann Tornberg.

Our Elementary would like to thank the Beresford VFW Auxiliary for donating red t-shirts. People across the U.S. have been wearing red on Fridays to spread the message of how important it is to keep our troops in our thoughts. RED Friday stands for “Remember Everyone Deployed!”

The new Beresford Watchdogs Boys and Girls Track and Field Record Board has been hung in our high school gym!

Congratulations to Beresford FFA members Sylar Carlson & Jackson Hofer, Trisha Reisorff & Maddie Erickson, Olivia Fry & Bethany Latendresse, and Damion Johnson who all made finals at the Chamberlain Agriscience Contest yesterday!
They are now in the top 3 in the state in their Agriscience category! They will be recognized at the State FFA Convention in Rapid City on April 11-13.

Congratulations to our middle school students, Kendra (2nd place) and Alexandria (1st place) who promoted “Peace through Service” in their artwork! The Beresford Lions Chapter sponsored the Peace Poster Contest.

Congratulations to our four “Senior Artists of the Year”—Ashleigh Colford, Cadence Stewart, Gabrielle Engbarth, and Sara Bergh.
They were equally nominated by their peers for perseverance, ingenuity, and giving to our community. Their artwork is truly amazing and inspiring!
Each received a $100 gift card to Hobby Lobby to continue their creativity!

The Beresford School Board Election will take place on Tuesday, April 13 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Beresford Public Library.
Four candidates are seeking election to the school board—Mary Beth Ellis, Nathan R. Jensen, Jamie Stewart, and Deb Bergland.
Registered district voters may vote for up to two candidates. The two three-year terms will begin on Monday, July 12, 2021 and will expire on Monday, July 8, 2024.

Congratulations to the following BHS FFA students on placing first as individuals in the following Tri-Valley and District Career Development Events: junior Caden Aasheim—1st in Ag Mechanics and junior Tate Johnson—1st in Livestock!

Leading their way from Districts to the State FFA CDE Contest are the following teams: Ag Mechanics—1st, Livestock—1st, Meats—1st, Agronomy—2nd, Dairy Cattle—2nd, Nursery Landscape—2nd, Floriculture—3rd, Ag Business—4th, Horse—4th, Vet Science—4th, Food Science—5th, & Milk—5th!

Congratulations to our FFA students on an outstanding performance at the Tri-Valley CDE Contest on March 29. This event served as a District Qualifier for State and based on their performances, all of our teams have advanced to the State CDE's on April 11-13 in Rapid City!

Congratulations to our High School students and directors who were all involved in a fabulous spring concert last night! The quality of music, sound, and selections performed by our HS Concert Choir, HS Chamber Choir, and HS Band were outstanding!

Great job to our Middle School students and directors who were all involved in an outstanding spring concert last night! The 6th Grade Choir, 7-8 Choir, 6th Grade Band, and 7-8 Band all had excellent performances!

Art exhibit will be on display tonight from 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the South Campus lobby. Stop by and enjoy the amazing student creations.

Tonight’s MS & HS Band/Choir Concerts can be viewed at: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/beresford-high-school-beresford-sd/evtdd441291d5. MS Concert is at 6 pm and HS Concert is at 7:30 pm. Each student was provided 4 admission tickets to share with family and friends.

Congratulations to the following Watchdog Boys Basketball players on being named to the Big East All-Conference Team: Tate Van Otterloo—3rd Team, Isaiah Richards—Honorable Mention, and Ashton Tjaden—Honorable Mention!

Congratulations to the following Watchdog Boys Basketball Seniors on being named to the Academic All-State Team: Cody Klungseth, Josh Limmer, Spencer Nelson, and Hayden Wilson!