Congratulations to the following Watchdog Girls Basketball Seniors on being named to the Academic All-State Team: Shaylan Andal, Laura Bogue, Kielee Otten, Kamrynn Sveeggen, and Becca Tiedeman!

Congratulations to the following Watchdog Girls Basketball players on being named to the Big East All-Conference Team: Laura Bogue--2nd Team, Kara Niles--3rd Team, and Adyson Hansen--Honorable Mention!

Sealed bids being accepted for surplus steel building to be moved. More details and pictures using link below. Any questions, contact Business Manager Jared Olson.

Congratulations to our BHS FFA Ag Mechanics Team on their 1st place finish at the Lennox Career Development Events on March 22! Team members are Caden Aasheim (2nd), Alex Jensen (4th), Gayden Johnson (9th), George Neuman (18th), Parker Hofer, and Cole Boden.

Congratulations to our FFA students and teams on a great showing at yesterday’s Career Development Events in Lennox. Our Ag Mechanics Team placed 1st, Agronomy Team 4th, Dairy Cattle Team 5th, Food Science Team 5th, Livestock Team 6th, Meats Team 7th, and Nursery Land. Team 7th!

Congratulations to our BHS artists who competed and to those who placed at the State Art Wars Contest held at the Sanford Premier Center on March 20: Sara Bergh, 1st in Sculpture and 2nd in Painting and Maddie Erickson, 3rd in Drawing and 3rd in Photography!

Our District has a number of certified staff, classified staff, and co-curricular staff openings for the 21-22 school year. If you are interested in a position, please apply online at https://beresford.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx.

Congratulations to the following BHS artists who placed at the State Visual Arts Contest held at the Sanford Premier Center on March 19-20: Brynn Nelson, 3rd in Colored Drawing; Derek Maas, 2nd in Crafts; Christian Mayberry, 2nd in Photography; and Sara Bergh, 2nd in Ceramics!

Congratulations to our BHS Artists whose work will be featured at the State Visual Arts Gallery on March 19-20 at the Sanford Premier Center! In Traditional Culture Art, junior Solomon Saugstad's work titled, Fly Tying Progress was submitted. Good luck to all of our artists!!

Congratulations to our BHS Artists whose work will be featured at the State Visual Arts Gallery on March 19-20! In Print Making, senior Gabrielle Engbarth's work titled, XC Memories was submitted. In 3D, sophomore Lane Klarenbeek's piece titled, Midnight was submitted.

Congratulations to our BHS Artists whose work will be featured at the State Visual Arts Gallery on March 19-20! In Painting (Watercolor), sophomore Addy Wills' work was submitted. In Photography, junior Christian Mayberry's piece titled, Early Morning Sunrise was submitted.

Congratulations to our BHS Artists whose work will be featured at the State Visual Arts Gallery on March 19-20! In Multimedia/Graphic Design, freshman Ciara Neuman's work was submitted. In Painting (Oil & Acrylic), senior Gabrielle Engbarth's piece was submitted.

Congratulations to our BHS Artists whose work will be featured at the State Visual Arts Gallery on March 19-20 at the Sanford Premier Center! Senior Sara Bergh's work is in Functional Ceramics. In Mixed Media, senior Cadence Stewart's piece is titled, The Music.

Congratulations to our BHS Artists whose work will be featured at the State Visual Arts Gallery on March 19-20 at the Sanford Premier Center! In Crafts, sophomore Derek Maas' piece is titled, Osage Orange. In Drawing, junior Brynn Nelson's piece is titled, Thirty-five.

Kindergarten Roundup will be held on the evenings of Tuesday, April 6th and Thursday, April 8th. Please call Beresford Elementary at 763-5012 for more information.

Good luck to our BHS students who will be competing in the SDHSAA's State Visual Arts Competition this week and the State Art Wars Competition! Please click on the following link for all of the details. Their Art Teacher is Mrs. Julie Saugstad. https://5il.co/qn2y

Based on the weather and road conditions, there will be NO SCHOOL in the Beresford School District on Monday, March 15.

Since our school district is in both a winter storm warning and a winter weather advisory, there will be a two-hour late start on Monday, March 15. This will give us time in the morning to further assess the current weather conditions.

From PRCE--All Summer Beresford Youth Baseball/Softball Forms are now updated and available at: https://beresfordprce.org/online-registrations. The forms can be mailed in or there will be a Sign-Up Night on Sunday, March 14 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the BHS Commons.

Congratulations to our school district nurse, Mrs. Julie Limmer who has been selected as the South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO’s) Healthcare Hero of the week for March 8-14! This award is designed to recognize and celebrate healthcare professionals across SD. Our District is extremely grateful for Mrs. Limmer’s selfless service and her dedication to our students, families, staff, and schools!